1. How do I locate books in the Library?
You can always locate library collection like books or other materials through our online catalog, WebOPAC. Its provides users with important access points such as call number, item status and location. You can search by author, title, keywords or combination of selected fields. Please note down the title & call number and retrieve the materials on the shelves. The Library uses the Library of Congress Classification Scheme.
2. What if the library doesn't own the book I need?
3. Place a hold on a book
You may reserve items borrowed by other users. Online reservation is available via library online catalog, WebOPAC. The system requires users to enter their username and password for reservation confirmation. Please note that only books with circulated status can be reserved. When the items returned by previous user, it will be placed at the circulation counter for 4 days.
4. Unable to locate items on shelf
5. How many books/materials may I borrow?
What are e-resources?
E-resources are information resources which are available in electronic form. They include electronic books, electronic journals and databases of various types. E-resources are available from the e-resources web page.
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